I’ve been on a blogging break all month–work deadlines, holiday prep, everyone’s been sick (I have the flu as I type this, I never get the flu). But this was our December:

One of H’s birthday presents was this adorable mini sewing machine from John Lewis in the UK. Her grandparents brought it over for her when they came for her party, she as excited. I’d been thinking of getting her a machine when she turned 5, and I’d seen that one last year on a trip over. Now, she has it. And we’ve been learning to use it.

My virtual book club just started its third year, and last week I mailed out the prizes to the big winners from 2016. We don’t read a set book each month, we just read whatever we want and talk about it. The past 2 years I gave out prizes for the most books read, the most pages read, and the most audiobook time listened. This year we’ve moved over to Goodreads, and we’re just straight tracking the number of books read. So, next January I’ll announce a first, second, and third place winner.

I’ve been excited about Seedling’s craft kits for a while, but it was just this past summer that H started to get more interested in arts and crafts. We haven’t really been able to tackle a lot of projects before. So I put several kits on her Amazon wishlist for Christmas, and she got a couple that we’ve been working on. I also recommended some of their kits for The Wirecutter’s guide Learning Toys and STEM Toys We Love.