I’ve had a slow start to January with my sewing, but I’m getting there! I bought myself this amazing new t-shirt, and I can’t get enough of it. Read more on January Quiltiness…

So much snow, all of the snow. Three days with everyone snowed in at the house. I’ve made chili, I’ve made pizza, I’ve cleaned, we’ve played, we’ve napped. Jonas dropped 20-some-odd inches of snow in our neighborhood, with crazy snow drifts taller than H. It’s been cozy and also frustrating to be so off our routine. But, the snow play has been well worth it.

This was the first new thing I made this year. Pinterest! I made the full amount, even though it was a big casserole, and it made pretty good leftovers, too.
Serves: 8
2 lbs chicken breasts, cubed
8 potatoes, cubed
1⁄3 cup olive oil
1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon fresh ground pepper
1 tablespoon paprika
2 tablespoons garlic powder
3 tablespoons hot sauce
2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup bacon, crumbled
1 cup green onion, diced

We had a small little snowstorm on Sunday, but now it’s Friday night and the eastern seaboard is hunkering down for a giant snowstorm worthy of all the nicknames. Jonas, that scamp.

So last summer I got this idea that I wanted to do a summer reading program for grownups. As a librarian I have seen countless summer reading initiatives to keep kids reading during their off-school months, but I kind of wanted to do this with grownups. Virtually, so you could participate from anywhere, at any time. And give away prizes!
Read more on 2016 Reading Challenge for Grownups–Want to Join?…