Archive: April 2014

Easter is a bit of a strange holiday for us around here. We’re kind of haphazard in how/if we celebrate it each year, so this was the first year that we took H to an Easter egg hunt. We went to Allaire Village for the 10,000 Easter Egg Hunt. Despite being surrounded by disappointed parents and kids who didn’t find any eggs, H managed to get 4 in the “baby corral” (and we gave some away to toddlers who didn’t get any).


Read more on H’s First Easter Egg Hunt…

After spending last weekend in DC, H and I dropped Adam off at the train station so he could come back to NYC for work. But I’d decided a couple of months before that it would be really fun for H and me to go away together for a few days during her spring break. A mommy/daughter trip.

So, we (I) decided to drive from Washington to Lancaster county in PA. After a morning running around DC together, we hopped in the car and set off.

Read more on Mother/Daughter Trip to Lancaster…

H’s school was closed for spring break this week, so we decided to drive down to Washington D.C. last weekend to see the sites. Neither Adam nor I had been to DC since we were kids. We were only there from Friday night through Monday, and there was so much we didn’t get to see. But we had such a marvelous weekend; gorgeous weather, lots to see and do, tons of fun with the toddler. We’re already anxious to go back.

Read more on Weekend in DC…

I always forget my blog’s anniversary. Every year when April rolls around, I think maybe I’ll do a giveaway or write a special post but every year the end of the month comes and I realize I completely forgot.

Read more on Six Years and One Day…

I’ve been on a fabric shopping spree lately. With spring’s arrival, inspiration has been everywhere. I’ve been doodling, sketching quilts, pinning color palettes, and craving new fabrics for my stash.

Read more on Fabric and Doodles…

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