Here’s a simple, quick, cute project to make with your kids. We made these googly-eyed love bugs for H’s class Valentines this year, but we’ve made them in the past just for fun. H’s party was postponed a week because of a giant snowstorm the night of my birthday that, combined with midwinter break, meant school was closed all of last week. It was the fourth snowstorm we’d had in just over a week, February has been wild around here. So one day while H was home and I was working, I set her up to work on these for school.
Tag: valentine’s day

I’ve had migraines since Sunday night, ebbing and flowing. I’m in the middle of an ebb right now. My Valentine’s Day plans aren’t going as planned, but we’re pretty low key about V Day anyway. We never go out, and we typically let it pass with mild fanfare. Cards, maybe candy, a good dinner at home. Not so much today. But I did manage yesterday, before a migraine set in and lasted through the night, to make these s’mores bites with H to celebrate the day.