We’ve been bombarded with snow this week. Today’s Saturday, and the first storm was last Sunday night. School was closed for two days, and then another (smaller) storm came in Friday at lunchtime, so all the local schools closed early. My birthday is just a few minutes away now, and yet another snowstorm is set to head our way either tomorrow night or Monday, I think. And here’s the thing we’re learning about Washington–they don’t have a lot of snow plows.

So this year for my birthday, Adam gave me a gift certificate for a class at Pizza a Casa pizza school in Manhattan. I didn’t get a chance to use until a few weeks ago, as an end-of-the-school-year extravaganza. And it was awesome.
My herb pot produced tons of basil, we were out of my tomato sauce, and I wanted to try making a real honest-to-goodness bolognese (as opposed to my tomato sauce with some meat). So, this is what I have been working on all day.
I made Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignonne recipe today (actually yesterday, it’s 12:02am now) for a supper club the Phi Mu Princeton alumnae gals were having. My mother-in-law, Cora, gave me Mastering the Art of French Cooking for Christmas (without movie stills on the cover!), and it was fitting that this is the first recipe from it I have prepared. All I can say is, plan your day around this if ever you make it. It was delicious, but I started it around noon and was racing to finish it so we could leave just after 6.
Read more on Valentine’s Day Party and Boeuf…Lots and Lots of Boeuf…