The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild has been running a drive this summer to collect rainbow quilts for the victims and family members of the Pulse nightclub massacre. My guild is participating. Some phenomenal women pieced together these heart blocks, contributed by members, and then they sent it to me to quilt it.

It must be said that I haven’t been able to prioritize quilt guild meetings since becoming a mom. It actually wasn’t so bad when H was an infant; she kind of had to come with me everywhere so she could eat, but she was an easy baby.
It’s really been the past year or year-and-a-half that made it tough. When H was old enough to start having opinions or refusing to sit still. Plus, little people are exhausting. It takes a lot of effort to strategize life outside out of motherhood, and something had to give or I would never see my friends and family. Or get any work done.

H and I braved the cold and went into Manhattan for the day today. I kind of hemmed and hawed about it this morning because a) H woke up at 1am in hysterical tears, no idea why and b) I had planned on meeting up with Kathy but didn’t have her Christmas and birthday presents ready yet. Somehow these things, combined with the cold, just felt too insurmountable. But, I dragged myself out of bed at 8:30 this morning and got us out of the house.
These ladies are so inspirational. I hadn’t been to a meeting since last June, and it was great to pick up where I’d left off. Now I have lots of ideas to fuel my summer creativity, but I didn’t take notes on who did what. That’s here at the official post on the meeting. These are just the photos I shot while I was inspired.
Adam had to go into the office today, and it was also the last meeting of the year for the NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild. It has actually been a full year since I’ve made it to a meeting, I just never managed it once I was pregnant. So I really wanted to go today, and therefore the 3 of us loaded into the car and headed into Manhattan to dip our toes into the whole taking-H-to-the-big-city pond. No crazy activities, no adventures with cabs or subways yet. Just a practice run.