It’s been a little more than six months since I last posted here, which is a record. This blog is ten years old, and I’ve never gone that long without posting! But it was kind of a welcome break–I needed to concentrate on packing up, moving from New Jersey to Washington, getting settled, finding a house, getting H settled at a new school. It’s been a ride, and we’re just starting to settle down.

It’s here! Trick or Treat Day came and went. I was so in the weeds with this Belle costume, which H asked for back in July, and I ended up sewing the whole thing on Friday night. I stayed up all night, it took 11 straight hours of sewing, I binged all 9 episodes of Stranger Things 2 while I did it. But she is so excited, and I love how this gown turned out.

Other posts on this project: I’m Working on a Halloween Quilt.
Still haven’t finished her costume! But I did finish this Halloween quilt. Let’s be real here, I’ve cut out the paper pattern but have not cut any fabric or sewn a stitch yet. I’ve been under the weather the past couple of days and haven’t made any more progress, but I will. I am determined to get this costume done by next Saturday, for a costume birthday party for one of H’s classmates.