So my blog has decided to close the comments on any posts 2 weeks or older. I did not opt for this setting, and it’s only started doing this in the last few days. In fact, this setting is deliberately not selected. I tried to change it this evening, but it hasn’t reopened the comments. So when I’m a little less sleepy I’ll look into reopening those comments (and by I, I really mean Adam).

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. Adam’s friends Dan and Ken are throwing a Thanksgiving in July party, complete with turducken. Their fiesta begins mid-afternoon, hopefully when Wall St. has been freed for the holiday weekend. My friend Maggie is also having a Christmas in July party tomorrow night, so we will be making our way from Thanksgiving in Manhattan to Christmas in Brooklyn tomorrow. I’m getting plenty of sleep tonight to prepare myself for all the excitement. I’m not good at staying up late, I need to brace myself.

You know, since summer break started I really have been unable to focus on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, email, voicemail…anything that keeps me linked in to the world electronically. I’ve been in a frenzy of party planning and house cleaning, so I haven’t actually, you know…relaxed much. I’m trying to cram in all the stuff I never have time to do during the school year. But today was a good start. I sat in my PJs and looked at magazines all day. I had a giant pile building up over several months, and I got through almost all of them. So that was relaxing. But then I followed that up by vacuuming and washing all the floors downstairs. So that was less relaxing. But still very satisfying. My TwitterFox window says I have 1415 unread Tweets, I still haven’t gotten on top of those. Now it’s another big weekend, and I’ll be celebrating 3 different holidays. Perhaps on the 5th I’ll start relaxing.