Tag: teacher resources

IMG_2194 For the month of October I’ll be doing a unit on fall with pre-k. It started this week, and the first thing we did was learn the “Fall Song,” from Simply Super Storytimes by Marie Castellano. Just the first verse, we couldn’t handle much more than that. We’ll sing the song at the start of every library class until winter starts.

Read more on Celebrating Fall with Pre-K…

magicallibraryMy predecessor left behind a bunch of resource books at work, including Magical Library Lessons by Lynne Stover. When it came time to do my Dictionary lesson with the 4th graders in February, I found a great idea in this book. It’s based on a dictionary made by Klaus in A Series of Unfortunate Events, who makes up his own horrible words when there aren’t any available to describe the situation of the Baudelaire children.

Read more on Dictionaries with 4th Graders…