I hit a wall last week. Too hot, messing with my asthma, trying to tackle too many work and home projects at once. I haven’t felt 100% myself. But looking back at my photos from the month, July was awesome. And, I finally got a haircut last week!

Still here, and still on crutches. I took very few photos this month because I’ve been living in yoga pants and sitting down a lot. April was a ride, I am very much hoping to be off these crutches next week and getting back to normal life. My family has been amazingly helpful, but I miss every day things.

This past Friday I had the first of my two knee surgeries, starting with my right knee. I tried roller derby a few years ago, in summer of 2013. I watched for a couple of practices and then tied on some borrowed skates and gave it a try. Gravity was not my friend, and all I did was fall down for about half a practice, banging my knees hard every time. I am not a good faller, there was no landing on my butt as directed. I am not coordinated enough to aim my falls.