Oh, July. You were a month of cutoff jean shorts and myriad toddler fingerprints on the mirror. Get it together, July!

Actually, July was pretty together. I got a teaching job. I started writing for What The Flicka?, and I finished the redo of this site (yay!). I went to Lancaster with my favorite ladies. H took swim lessons and started the summer program at her school. I made more jam, which I will write about later. I finally learned to walk in flip flops!

But clothing-wise, the summer months are always rough. Summer is not my season for clothes; hot ain’t cute. Every year I try, and every year I end up in whatever is easiest and doesn’t need much ironing.

I’ve got another month to go. Then I start teaching again, and at least two days a week I will be dressing up more. And fall will come! With its glorious collection of layers and cuteness!

Here’s hoping August is just as together.