Other posts on this trip: Las Vegas Food, Las Vegas Play, Las Vegas Shopping, Hoover Dam, Sunset Crater.
The main event. We started at the South Rim after lunch.

Some German teenagers had crawled all the way out onto this jutting bit of rock. I still don't know how they got down there.
We wound our way up along the canyon all through the afternoon.

The edge freaked me out at first. You can just walk right up to it at most of the lookout spots along the rim.
Then I got closer to the edge. This was Adam’s undoing, he was not happy that I went that close.

We took a secluded mile-long trail to a great spot. Apparently they do weddings out there, but it isn't in the guidebooks so it's deserted and still open to the public.
It was getting close to sunset when we took the trail.

This was my turn to freak out, when Adam climbed down onto this ledge. That's as far as he went, having the Canyon on both sides of where he was standing was too much. Too huge.
Nature is REALLY terrifying.