Monday was my Volunteer Day in the library. I prepared treats and invited the Library Moms to come in after our half day dismissal to help get the library shaped up for the end of the year. I had 4 lovely, focused, scary-fast moms come and whip that room into shape in under 2 hours. They were fabulous, their kids hung out and helped, and this was the only reward I could offer:

A modest spread, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t get a ton of parents this close to summer vacation. So I didn’t want too much food left over, and this turned out to be perfect. Everyone noshed, even the glorious head custodian in my building (who is my decluttering ally) had some brownies and blondies. And the cupcakes are from Sugarush, I’m totally blogging about them soon.

Thanks to the moms, I am now in a zen-like state of calm as the end of the year approaches on Friday.