janomesheriffAnd it’s called a Janome Jem Platinum 760.

My mom treated me to a new sewing machine for my birthday. I was reluctant to accept a pricey gift like this, but as sewing machines go this is pretty reasonable. And as I’ve posted recently, my old Kenmore has had it.

So really, I’m thrilled to have a new machine. And this machine is like a Porsche to my Kenmore’s Chevy Cavalier. I can’t wait for the weekend so I can try and make something with it.

I still don’t know what this means for my elusive Etsy shop. Now that I’ve got a shiny new machine, I’ve also got about 5  projects at work that have all come to a head at once. Two reading clubs, Read Across America on March 2nd, a couple hundred new books to be processed and shelved, starting checkout with the kindergarteners, and a few other odds and ends. So it may be a while. We shall see.

In the meantime, I have a new toy!