parisWe travel a lot. Really, I understand how extraordinarily fortunate we are to have been all around the world. We’ve been to some amazing places all around the world, but I have never been to Paris. Adam has been several times growing up (one of the many perks of being English). And we’ve been trying to go for years, but we were never quite able to manage it. Too expensive, too out of the way, too many days added on to a trip.

But now we’re going. Officially.

We’re going to England for Christmas, and we’re staying the whole week after to go to Paris for New Year’s. We’ve booked our flights, and we’re booking hotels and train tickets tomorrow as soon as we hear back from his mom and stepdad. I’ve just ordered Markets of Paris, Flea Markets of France, and The Best Vintage, Antique, and Collectible Shops in Paris off my Amazon wishlist. They’ve been there several months, and they will be mine on Wednesday.

So we will be with Adam’s dad and stepmom for Christmas in England, and his mom and stepdad for New Year’s in Paris. Yay!

If anyone has must-see suggestions or great shops I should go find, let me know.