Sixteen going on seventeen! 2016 is over, a new year is ahead. Who knows what’s in front of us? I like to start each year hopeful and positive, and 2017 is no different. That’s all of my outfit photos above. The year started with intense knee pain right before a January blizzard, evolved to knee surgery in April, crutches and a cane through the end of May (and a trip to the UK). Summer fun, fall boots, costumes, disappointments, Christmas. It was a year.
Here are just my December outfits:
I didn’t actually take that many photos this month. Too busy.
I tried doing a word for 2016, and that word was “more.” 2016 was more, all right. That’s the last time I pick a word! I usually run down how I did with my last set of resolutions around now, but all I said for 2016 was “more.” More living, more creativity, more, more, more. I mean be careful what you wish for, the last two months in the world have proven that.
The end of last year was also insanely stressful, but on a much more personal level. Leaving teaching, H in the hospital. It was hard. This year the hard has been on a much bigger scale, a sense of worry about the world at large, but personally we’re in such a great place. H’s thriving with a more everyday parental presence, the writing work kicked in, I don’t regret the decisions made a year ago. It was the best move for everyone. But, now I’m stuck worrying about The Great Big Future. So, do I make a list, or do I focus on one thought for the year?
I’m making a list. When in doubt, I list.
2017 Resolutions
- Speak
- Read
- Make
- Do
- Love
- Fight
- Write
- Strive
- Hope
There. That’s my list for 2017.
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