Other posts on this topic: Strawberry Week Day One: Strawberry Hand Pies, Strawberry Week Day Two: Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Week Day Three: Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream, Strawberry Week Day Four: Strawberry Habanero Barbeque Sauce.

I had to take a hiatus from my Strawberry Week posts yesterday because of this state of emergency. We’re having a cookout tomorrow, so the water crisis required some rethinking of the day (we bought a kiddie pool that we can’t fill this weekend). And Adam and I were just beat last night. So, here we go with the next installment! The pictures aren’t that brilliant, but to be fair…with H as my kitchen helper my ability to practice my food photography skills is just gone.

These super easy truffles are fromSweet Designs by Amy Atlas, and I seized my white chocolate the first two batches. This was a sign yesterday that I was just too distracted to finish. I tried again today, and they’re great. I’m serving these tomorrow at our cookout, I can’t wait to post some photos of the treats table I’ve been putting together.

Strawberry Truffles (from Sweet Designs: Bake It, Craft It, Style It by Amy Atlas, p. 153)

2 2/3 cups white chocolate chips, melted
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into 1/4-inch pieces, softened
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons strawberry preserves (I used my strawberry jam!)
1 cup pink sanding sugar or pink dusting sugar

Read more on Strawberry Week Day Five: Strawberry Truffles…