Tag: winter

We’ve been bombarded with snow this week. Today’s Saturday, and the first storm was last Sunday night. School was closed for two days, and then another (smaller) storm came in Friday at lunchtime, so all the local schools closed early. My birthday is just a few minutes away now, and yet another snowstorm is set to head our way either tomorrow night or Monday, I think. And here’s the thing we’re learning about Washington–they don’t have a lot of snow plows.

Read more on Snowfall in Washington…

I turned 39 last Saturday! It’s been a week since then, and more than two weeks since I’ve blogged, and it’s been busy and eventful and so much has been going on. So I desperately need to catch up here.

Read more on I Had a Great Birthday…

It’s a new year, and Picasa is dead. Picasa has been dead for quite some time, but I was still using it to make these outfit collages. It is surprisingly hard to find a collage maker that will just let you take some number of vertical photos and put them in a grid, nothing fancy. I got a new laptop this week (more on that later), so now the old copy of Picasa I was using is gone, and I can’t download it anymore. Ugh.

Read more on January 2017 Outfits…

I haven’t posted a playlist in forever. No idea why, I just haven’t. But I’m ready for spring, which has been a bit of a tease this week with freak snow falling yesterday after weather in the 50s and 60s. So, this is what I’ve been listening to. Still fairly moody and wintry songs, but with a little bit of irreverence thrown in for spring’s sake.

Read more on Freaking Cold: The Playlist…

We had a small little snowstorm on Sunday, but now it’s Friday night and the eastern seaboard is hunkering down for a giant snowstorm worthy of all the nicknames. Jonas, that scamp.

Read more on Snowmageddon, Snowzilla, Snowpocalypse…

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