Category: Thoughts

I miss Picasa. It could be such a pain about some things, but it was perfect for making collages with a ton of photos. I haven’t found anything better for them to replace it.

Read more on February Outfits…

I do. I want to post about good things, about stuff we’re making here, things we’re doing, how cute my dog is. How cute my kid is, even. But to talk about this stuff and pretend that the country isn’t in a dark place right now is disingenuous, it’s pretending that everything is fine, everything is normal.

Read more on I Really Want to Talk About Books and Crafts and Dogs…

And H and I marched, in Asbury Park. With one of my lovely quilt friends, Natalie, and her family. Originally Adam was considering coming, too, but then H decided she wanted to stay home. I was going to be on my own. But then as I was getting ready to leave, she changed her mind and wanted to come protest. Adam was still in his PJs, with a healthy to do list for an afternoon planned watching the small human, so the girls went solo.

Read more on Today Was THE March…

I’ve had a tough time getting my head back in the game after the election last week. But I’m definitely getting there, and I’m tired of obsessing, tired of reading endless articles about how it all went wrong. I’m taking some concrete steps in my community, with my own economic power, with my time to do what I can at a local level to make life better. The results are the results, I’m not ready to overthrow the government. But I am ready to volunteer, to listen to people, to donate, to see how I can help with future political campaigns, to write, etc. But for now, here are some beautiful fall pictures while I get my head organized. The world itself is still damn gorgeous.

Read more on Getting Back To It…

This isn’t a terribly exciting post, except that I waited far too long to get a haircut. And now my head feels so much better! I actually thought it’d been a year and a half since my last haircut, but I was wrong. It was last June. Which is still more than a year, but not quite as bad as I thought.

Read more on New Haircut…

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