We had a horrible storm here yesterday. Thunder, lightning, a big pelting hailstorm. A nearby crack of lightning killed my computer. It’s completely fried, along with two other gadgets and the network ports they were attached to in Adam’s technology cave (also known as the laundry room closet). I’m currently posting from our library computer, which I’ve usurped until my new parts get here and Adam can fix my motherboard (I sound like I know what I’m talking about, right?).

I was kind of freaked out by the storm, what with the roof sounding like it would collapse under the hail fire and my computer dying from an apparent EMP. But someone else found it positively excellent conditions for a long summer’s nap.

So I took the opportunity to use up some of the sweet cherries I bought at Whole Foods the other day when I stumbled into a 1-day, $1.99 a pound special on them. I won’t mention how many pounds I bought, but I still have plenty of cherries (rest assured). I clearly also decided it was the day to sneak into Adam’s camera lens stash and play with my Big Girl Camera.

I used Smitten Kitchen’s Sweet Cherry Pie recipe from a few years ago, with the Pate Brisee crust that is my complete go-to pie crust now. I only had 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, so I used flour to make up the last tablespoon as per the directions here. I worried that the pie would taste like flour, but pies bake for so long it’s not a problem. It didn’t make my pie filling look wet and juicy going in, though. But it was all good in the end.

This pie was phenomenal, and it was a good flavor contrast to the mini cherry pies I made for our cookout. The little bit of almond extract makes a huge difference in getting that classic cherry flavor.

I <3 summer, don’t you?