Archive: April 1, 2009

Vote for my quilt, I’m number 8! The survey is working now. Based on the comments the popular vote seems to be going to the easily identifiable Dr. Seuss themes, so I’m taking the underdog stance. This is fun!

Read more on The Link Is Back Up!…

I suddenly have so many things exciting me this week that I can hardly stop bouncing to post about them.

First of all, Adam’s passport came yesterday! I’ve mentioned us wanting to go away for spring break next week, but our excitement had sort of fizzled after we realized Adam’s passport had expired in February. I was already getting a little overwhelmed with all the planning before we realized about his passport, and then I just couldn’t get motivated to rethink the plan. But it has arrived, and today Adam took charge of the planning and found some great last-minute deals to Cancun. I booked the tickets this evening with some travel vouchers my mom donated to the cause (thanks, Mom!). Honestly, if Adam had just booked a trip and told me where we were going, I would have been ecstatic. Spring break fever has hit school hard, and testing season has begun. I’ve had so much else taking up my head space in March that I couldn’t get this vacation going. But Cancun it is!

Read more on Happy Wednesday!…